Adresa ta de e-mail nu îți este întotdeauna cel mai bun prieten. Zilnic verifici inbox-ul să vezi ce mai este nou, fie că aștepți mail-uri de la cineva important, fie că ești abonat la noutățile de pe site-uri și blog-uri. Dar se întâmplă ca unele mail-uri să păcălească filtrele și în loc să ajungă în spam să ajungă în inbox. Dar nu e vorba doar de mail-uri de tip spam, ci mai grav, de tip scam
A fraudulent scheme performed by a dishonest individual, group, or company in an attempt obtain money or something else of value. Scams traditionally resided in confidence tricks, where an individual would misrepresent themselves as someone with skill or authority, i.e. a doctor, lawyer, investor. After the internet became widely used, new forms of scams emerged such as lottery scams, scam baiting, email spoofing, phishing, or request for helps. These are considered to be email fraud. Also see phishing, scheme.
Exclusive special invitation to Instagram video editing app
Expeditor Kazuhiro NayaAdd contact
Destinatar mag@zonanoua.comAdd contact
Data 2015-09-03 20:25
Mesajul 13 din 125 < > change-formatchange-format
This is Kazy Naya, CEO of the simplest video editing app. I’m sending you this exclusive invitation after seeing your stunning Tumblr pictures!
Our mission is to build a platform featuring stunning videos from around the planet. It is scheduled to be officially released to the public at the end of September, but starting this month we are sending early special invitations to users who post breathtaking images on Tumblr!
We consider the community formed by the initial users will be the deciding factor of the product’s quality. Putting much value on the quality of the beginning community, we carefully screened photos and videos on Tumblr, and we are now sending the advance invitation to the selected users only. We would be honored if someone like you, who takes such spectacular pictures, could participate in our founding community!
VIBBIDI can do simple and beautiful video edits like the ones below! It is also optimal to edit videos to upload on Instagram/Tumblr! Influential IG/Tumblr creators from 100 different countries have already joined us, and you will surely be able to obtain lots of inspiration from looking at their beautiful videos!
Download the app from this link to try it out! The app will be available free of charge, even after the official release in late September!
At any time, feel free to share any feedback you have! I hope to create a platform for the world’s most gorgeous videos with you!
Kazuhiro Naya